"...you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all judea and samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
At home in blacksburg is our jerusalem
Several SERVE ministries are offered right here in Blacksburg and at Virginia Tech each week - including Alcoholics Anonymous, the Prayer Shawl Ministry, Red Cross Drives, and more. Check out the at home missions we sponsor locally!


Judea & Samaria
In the community is our judea & Samaria
Across Blacksburg, SW VA, the New River Valley and other parts of the US we partner with, aid, and operate several organizations - including the Montgomery County Christmas Store, To Our House, and many others. Check out the many ways we are serving in community!
Going beyond to the ends of the earth
We go well beyond the 16 squares of Blacksburg with missions spanning several countries. Some include: yearly mission trips to Guatemala, partnership with Methodist churches in Kyiv, Ukraine, Global Ministry Missionaries, and more. Learn more about our international missions!

Ends of the earth
These Mission-oriented Groups offer more Opportunities to SERVE:
United Women in Faith (formerly UMW): Two Circles
Five Adult Sunday School Classes
Children's Ministries
BUMC Youth
Wesley Foundation at VT
United Women in Faith (formerly UMW): Two Circles
Five Adult Sunday School Classes
Children's Ministries
BUMC Youth
Wesley Foundation at VT