Singing this SUNDAY!!!!
FEB 16 - Meet at 10:15am in the Sanctuary
Service at 11am
FEB 16 - Meet at 10:15am in the Sanctuary
Service at 11am
Winter/Spring 2025 Schedule
"Little Harmonies" (4yrs - 2nd Grade) - Wednesdays 6-6:30pm
"Rising Voices" (3rd - 6th Grade) - Wednesdays 6:30-7:30pm
First Rehearsal - January 15th
February 16 - Both Groups - Worship Leadership at 11:00am Worship Service - meet at 10:15am
"I'm Gonna Live So God Can Use Me"
February 23 - Black History Month Art Work on Display
March 9 - Rising Voices (with Youth Band & Chancel Choir) - Worship Leadership at 11:00am Worship Service - meet at 10:15am
"The Table"
April 13 - Lenten Cantata - Worship Leadership at 11:00am Worship Service - meet at 10:15am
Both Groups - "Hear Our Prayer"
Rising Voices - "Beneath the Cross"
"Rising Voices" (3rd - 6th Grade) - Wednesdays 6:30-7:30pm
First Rehearsal - January 15th
February 16 - Both Groups - Worship Leadership at 11:00am Worship Service - meet at 10:15am
"I'm Gonna Live So God Can Use Me"
February 23 - Black History Month Art Work on Display
March 9 - Rising Voices (with Youth Band & Chancel Choir) - Worship Leadership at 11:00am Worship Service - meet at 10:15am
"The Table"
April 13 - Lenten Cantata - Worship Leadership at 11:00am Worship Service - meet at 10:15am
Both Groups - "Hear Our Prayer"
Rising Voices - "Beneath the Cross"
Feb 16 - I'm Gonna Live So God Can Use Me
Feb 23 - Quilt Artwork on Display
We will be making a "quilt" using mixed media art supplies. We are taking inspiration from Faith Ringgold and will tell the stories of our families with our quilt!
March 9 - The Table - Rising Voices Only
Lenten Cantata - April 13
Hear Our Prayer - Little Harmonies and Rising Voices
Beneath the Cross - Rising Voices Only
cristen mitchell
Director of Music & Worship Arts