Advent Season
Advent means "arrival" and signifies the start of an event or the arrival of a person. In Christian communities around the world, Advent refers to a four-week season of remembering and celebrating the arrival of Jesus on Earth. It’s a time to reflect on the unexpected nature of Jesus’ humble birth. We invite you to join in our special Advent events/services!

BUMC in the Holiday Parade
Friday, December 6th | 7:00pm Meet Time | Turner St
All are welcome! Children, Youth, and Adults are invited to meet us in the line-up on Turner St at 7pm to walk or ride with our float and hand out candy!
Christmas Cantata
Sunday, December 8th | 11:00am | Sanctuary
Also 8:30am variation in Whisner
Our Chancel Choir, Orchestra, and Kids Worship Arts Group will present the Christmas Cantata, “Finding Christmas." We hope you'll join us for this musical service!

Service of Solace
Sunday, December 15th | 4:00pm | Sanctuary
Join us for this casual, quiet service of reflection, comfort, and rememberance - meeting in the Church St Sanctuary.
Breakfast with Santa
December 24th | 9:00am | Whisner Building
Santa will make a pit-stop at Blacksburg UMC on Christmas Eve! Children and families are invited to join us as we fellowship with Santa. Breakfast will include pancakes, eggs, bacon, and more!

Family christmas service
December 24th | 10am | Sanctuary
Children and families are invited to our Family Christmas eve service led by children and adults involved in our Children’s Ministry. At this service we will learn the meaning of Christmas through the story of Christ born into our world.
Candlelight & Communion service
December 24th | Services at 5pm & 8pm | Sanctuary
On Christmas Eve you’re invited to join us as we share in the songs and scripture of Christmas. Led by our lead Pastor, and the Chancel Choir, this service will include lighting of the Christ Candle, Holy Communion, and conclude with the singing of Silent Night by candlelight.

Church Calendar
Youth Calendar
Children's Calendar
Music Calendar
Adult Ministries