Adult Ministries

Adult ministries are overseen by the Adult Discipleship Team.  We strive to encourage, support, and engage the adults in our congregation to be life-long learners. We believe important conversations with God and with each other change everything about how we live in the world.

"For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope. "

Romans 15:4

Check Out Our Sunday School Classes.

Sunday School classes meet for an hour each week starting between 9:30-9:45 for Christian education, fellowship, mission, and prayer. Each class determines its own curriculum, and topics range from practical life application to in-depth Biblical studies and beyond. If you've been looking to deepen your understanding, strengthen your faith, build Christian friendships, and find inspiration and encouragement, Sunday School is a wonderful place to start.

United Women In Faith

United Women in Faith serve, advocate, and make a difference as we follow Christ and listen to the Holy Spirit's leading. We are involved in the mission of the United Methodist Church. We are focused on faith, action, and sisterhood. Both circles usually have a meal, devotions, short program and update on what's happening with everyone. They are fellowship support groups which also have service projects for organizations such as the Christmas Store, To Our House, Interfaith Food Pantry, Women’s Resource Center, Days for Girls, and United Methodist Committee on Relief. United Women in Faith seek to serve especially women, children, and youth locally and wherever assistance is needed.
Check Out the UWF Website
4th Tuesdays | 11:30am
1st Thursdays | 6-7:30pm

Soul Connect Groups

Tuesdays at 6:30pm In Person | Wednesdays at 7:30pm In Person | Fridays at Noon over Zoom

Blacksburg United Methodist Church is a big place and it can be very hard to get plugged into church life if you only attend a weekend service. In a Soul Connect group, you can connect relationally and make some good friends!

Soul Connect groups are one way to connect with a smaller group within the church. Groups welcome those who attend BUMC as well as those who do not attend. Connecting with people in a smaller setting is a wonderful way to find friendship and support within a larger community!

Thursday Morning Women's Bible Study

Thursday Mornings | 9am-11am | Central Conference Room

With one beginning in September and another beginning in January, this Bible Study seeks to be in God’s Word using a variety of Biblical authors with workbooks and DVD lectures. 

jim nichols Bible Study

Thursday Mornings | 6:45am-7:30am | Central Conference Room or Zoom

We are an ecumenical group of men who meet weekly to grow in Christian faith.

Monday Morning Bible Study

Monday Mornings | 7:00am | Central Conference Room

This is a group of people seeking to understand scripture by studying books of the Bible and discussing its application in today’s world.

Discipleship Groups

Meet At Various Times | Sometimes Over Zoom

Using the curriculum of our daily lives, Discipleship Groups are for those who yearn to "COMPANION with other apprentices of Jesus." These groups of eight to twelve meet weekly for the purpose of working with God’s grace. Vulnerability, grace-based acceptance, spiritual practices, and mutual accountability provide the framework through which the Spirit transforms us. In our Methodist tradition, some call them covenant groups, others call them class meetings; to us, they are Discipleship Groups.

Contemplative Prayer

Each Tuesday at 8am by Zoom

All are invited to join, even those coming with little or no experience. Pastor Brad partners with the local non-profit InStill Mindfulness to offer a weekly online prayer session rooted in contemplative Christian traditions. We gather each Tuesday from 8 to 8:45 am by Zoom to share in the practice of Centering Prayer, and/or other related prayer practices. Newcomers are expected--even those who do not claim a Christian identity--and are offered introductory instruction.

Check our calendar for upcoming group opportunities: